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Don't Drink and Drive

There were 8,845 DUI arrests in the state of Nevada in 2017. In all those arrests there was a high risk of an accident occurring. A quick Google search of DUI accidents will show you what a vehicle can look like after a drunk driver crashes. Here are some eye-opening facts about alcohol-impaired driving from

What is considered to be a DUI? Is having one drink and driving count as a DUI? I have been drinking but I feel fine so am I able to drive? The blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit in Nevada is as followed:

• .02% for drivers under 21 years old

• .04 for commercial license holders

• .08 for everyone else

The DMV has the following note regarding BAC, “The BAC applies only to alcohol. If any detectable amount of an illegal substance is found, you'll receive at least the same penalties as you would for alcohol, and perhaps even more.”

Driving with a BAC at or above the limit is considered to be an offense. There is no telling what your drink limit is for certain. Just because you “only had two drinks” doesn’t mean that it is safe for you to drive. Call a taxi or have someone else drive you to be safe. As you have seen in “The Facts About Alcohol-Impaired Driving” picture earlier in this blog the average DUI cost $10,000 so taking a taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. will cost a lot less than $10,000. If the $10,000 is something that isn’t a cause for concern let’s look at other potential penalties for DUI offenses straight from the DMV.

You will see DUI offenses on the “Age, Sex, Race, And Ethnicity of Persons Arrested, under 18 years of age” and “Age, Sex, Race, And Ethnicity of Persons Arrested, 18 years of age and over” in the UCR submissions. With all we have seen from the DMV and keeping Nevadans safe is a big priority. We will end this blog with ways to protect yourself from other from other drivers according to the DMV. Remember to stay safe and that you are risking lives by driving while impaired.

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