Nevada Department of Public Safety State Police
Uniform Crime Reporting
Records, Communications and Compliance Division
Media Tool Kit
NIBRS Marketing and Training Materials
A set of promotional materials that provide information about the transistion from SRS to NIBRS for law enforcement agencies and community groups who prioritize public safety.
NIBRS Overview
Learn more about NIBRS by accessing NIBRS Annual Reports, Additional Resources, NIBRS Documentation and NIBRS Contact Information.
FBI Letter Stating Transition to NIBRS
Explore FBI UCR Services which include: Publications, General Resources, LEOKA Resources, NIBRS Resources, Recent Program Updates, Data Collections and Documentation.
Guide to Understanding NIBRS
This helpful resource will go over the benefits of NIBRS participation, reporting procedures and give you an overview of the NIBRS program.
Effects of NIBRS on Crime Statistics
Gain an understanding of why NIBRS provides a greater value for agencies and gives a more accurate, transparent and complete story of crime.
NIBRS User Manual
The manual addresses NIBRS policies, the types of offenses reported via NIBRS, and guidelines for an agency to become certified to submit NIBRS data to the FBI.
Nevada NIBRS Technical Specification
Version 3.0, June 2018: A list of all changes by segment and Nevada technical specifications.